
There’s a fair amount of taboo around menopause.

Menopause is a time of change for women. The decrease in the estrogen hormone levels, and other hormonal reductions, bring about changes that can effect both the physical and psychological wellbeing of women. Each woman’s experience is unique. The range of possible experiences span from hardly noticing any changes, to effects that have a significant impact on a woman’s life.

Menstrual periods tend to become irregular in the month or years leading up to menopause, which is the final period, (‘menos’ – month, ‘pause’- to cease). The average age of menopause is 51 years.

Hot flushes, mood changes, sleeplessness, tiredness, headaches, aches and pains and bloatedness are some symptoms women experience as a result of menopause. These symptoms can also be due to other health conditions. Symptoms may begin in the years leading up to menopause, and then continue for years after menopause.

We can be confident that women have been through menopause when they have had 12 months with no period. If a woman has any vaginal bleeding beyond that 12 months, it needs to be investigated by a health professional.

Menopause is a good time to have a review of a woman’s health in general, including her heart and bone health. There are a range of management options for women to consider if they are experiencing symptoms that are having significant impacts on their lives. Eating well, exercising regularly and managing your stress are as important as ever during this time of change.

It’s worth partners and family members being informed about what a woman may be going through.

If you would like some personalised information and assessment, make an appointment with one of the practitioners at Cygnet Family Practice by calling 6295 1460, or online at

More general information is available from the Jean Hailes website at

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