Heather Kennett is our Credentialled Diabetes Educator


‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’


World Health Organisation 1946


Let’s Flourish


Registered Nurse, Diabetes, Health and Wellbeing practitioner.


I am passionate about helping people to believe in themselves and to love and respect who they are. I take a holistic approach to well-being through preventative approaches. I specialise in helping people with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes and those above their most comfortable weight. I enjoy working in the community, working individually with people or in groups. I love providing supportive endeavours such as my walking group at Kingston Beach or my yearly Let’s Flourish festival to encourage our community to flourish and grow creatively.


Contact Cygnet Family Practice to make an appointment on 6295 1460 or email me at heather@letsflourish.com.au if you have any questions regarding your appointment.


Self referrals accepted. Rebates available via Medicare with a GP Allied Health referral. Initial appointment 60 mins $135 ($82.05 out of pocket) or 30 mins $75.00 ($22.05 out of pocket). Rebates available from health care funds depending on level of cover.


DVA no out of pocket expense.


Visit my website at www.letsflourish.com.au for further information regarding services.


I look forward to supporting, encouraging and assisting you in your wellbeing journey.


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