Cygnet Family Practice Nurse
Practitioner Kerrie Duggan, together with Huonville
Pharmacy Tony Holmes and Dispensary Assistant Linda Wilcox
provided Huon Valley Council employees protection against this year’s influenza
disease with a workplace fluvax clinic.
There have been over 76,500 cases of influenza Australia wide so far this year.
“I spent 3 week pretty much in bed in April from Influenza A and a further
2 weeks recovering before feeling back to normal”, Kerrie told employees. Influenza is a serious, contagious, infectious
disease which not only is very unpleasant personally, but can infect other
family members, cause time away from work, school and study.
Annual influenza vaccination is the most important way to prevent influenza and its complications. Annual vaccination is recommended for anyone aged 6 months and over who wishes to reduce the risk of influenza and its complications.
Pharmacists at the Huonville Pharmacy are authorised to immunise those over 10 years. Your general practice can provide free vaccines for children aged 6 months to under 5 years, those who identify as ATSI, pregnant women, and those over 65 years. Most general practices have private vaccines available, but there has been some issues with short supply, so call your general practice to check.