Home Medicines Review (HMR) Information

Home Medicines Review (HMR) Information

A Home Medicines Review (HMR) can help you get the best out of your medication. It provides an opportunity for you to discuss your medication in depth with a specially accredited pharmacist who then communicates recommendations to your General Practitioner (GP) via a report, for them to consider at a follow-up consultation with you.

There are many reasons why you may find an HMR useful, these include:

  • taking multiple medications, including non-prescribed medications
  • taking ‘high-risk’ medications
  • a recent hospital admission recent significant medication changes
  • difficulty managing medicines, including devices such as inhalers
  • concerns about side-effects or a lack of effect from medication
  • where multiple prescribers are involved in your care
  • if you are a new patient to Cygnet Family Practice

As the term Home Medicines Review implies, the expectation is that an HMR will be conducted by the pharmacist visiting you in your home and this occurs in the vast majority of cases. However, HMRs can be undertaken via telehealth during the Coronavirus pandemic and they may be undertaken face to face outside your home in exceptional circumstances (subject to government approval on a case by case basis).

The pharmacist’s visit typically lasts around an hour, but this varies from patient to patient, largely dependent on the number of medications (including vitamins, supplements etc.) being taken.

An HMR is fully covered by Medicare and so there are no out of pocket expenses for the Pharmacist’s visit. Standard Cygnet Family Practice consultation fees apply for the associated follow-up appointment with your GP.

We strongly encourage you to consent to your HMR report also being sent to your regular community pharmacy, so they are kept informed of any changes that may be made to your treatment after you have seen your GP.

Up to two follow-up visits from the accredited pharmacist are now also funded by Medicare and these usually involve a shorter visit (or telephone call) to discuss any issues that remain outstanding after the original HMR. Again, a report is sent by the accredited pharmacist to your GP if there are any issues that they may need to consider.

If you feel that you may benefit from an HMR, please discuss this with your GP.

Several hundred of our patients have had an HMR with Angus Thompson, a Consulting Clinical Pharmacist, we have worked with for almost 8 years and many of these patients have now had several HMRs with Angus. However, if your regular community pharmacy is able to provide HMR services and you would prefer for one of their accredited pharmacists to provide your HMR, please let your GP know.

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